
10/30 This Blog is about eating, sleeping and walking, which are occupying my days recently. It has been full two weeks since I started eating “somewhat” solid food. I have been feeding only two cans of food for the last few days, and expa…

これまでブログに何度も「癌科の医師」と記して来たのだが、正しくは「腫瘍内科医」と呼ばれるらしい。 先日友人が日本に『ウェラー・ザン・ウェル学会』(文法的にはベターザンウェルだと思うけど)という組織ができて、癌治療をもっと包括的に扱おうという…



It has been one of the most difficult weeks so far. My days are consumed by eating, resting, and taking naps. It is hard to find time to write my blog. I started “baby food” like diet last Monday. Even though I had known that this is a hug…

ブログを書くのが大変になってきた。ネタもたくさんあるし、思うことは山ほどあるのだが、時間がないし、疲労が激しい。 退院して1週間ぐらいは、食べる必要がなかったので、非常に効率的な生活だった。食べたり、調理したりする時間を別のことに使えたのだ…

月曜日にBWHに術後診査に行った。抗生物質の効き目はすごい。化膿していた傷跡もきれいに治った。退院直前に抜糸をしたりホチキスを除去した後にテープが貼られたのだが、医者はそれも全部はぎ取ってしまった。 診察をしながら「今日から何でも食べていいよ…

10/17/06 (日本語を後にいれました) On Monday I went back to BWH for the post surgery check-up. The infection has cleared nicely, and everything else is going well. It is amazing how quickly the scars are healing. “You can eat anything you …


全て順調、どんどん回復しています。。。と言いたいところなんだけど、水曜から木曜にかけて首の傷跡が化膿してしまった。 今回の手術で私の身体は文字通り満身創痍なのだが、首、脇腹、お腹の中央にかなり大きな傷跡がある。この首の傷跡がなかなか塞がらず…

10/13 It is such a surprise that today is already Friday. Compared to the past two weeks, this week has passed slowly and eventless, even though I had to go back to BWH to treat an infection. On Tuesday I went to see my oncologist. It may …

時々傷跡のことで心配したりするけれど、毎日がゆっくりと順調に過ぎて行く。 昨日は癌科の先生のところに行った。BWHにいる時点滴をさした左腕がはれてしまってMRIをとったのだが、その腕がまた少し腫れているし、首に差し込んであったチューブを取った後が…

術後3晩を最新施設のICUユニットですごした。看護婦さんたちの顔、筆談したこと、尋ねて来てくれた人のことなど全て覚えているのだが、ICUユニットがどんな場所であったかについては全く記憶がない。 「ねね、やっぱり色んな機械やモニターが装備された超近…

On Sunday I went to church service, even though it was only the third day after being discharged from the hospital. Throughout the hospital stay I felt a high level of energy and strength, and continue feeling the same way. On Saturday (se…



手術直前に、皆から沢山のメールをもらった。その中の幾つかに「守護霊みたいに皆が手術台を取り囲むかもよ」とか「お医者さんは皆の祈りの重さを感じるかもしれないよ」と書かれていた。 入院中の10日間、本当に不思議な力で支えられていると感じ、気弱に…


I am back! Thank you very much for your prayers and thoughts. I truely beleive that your thoughs gave me energy during the past 10 days. Thak you very much.

Yesterday (October 4), her surgeon told Mayumi that she will probably be discharged from the hospital on Friday (October 6). The medical staff spent the morning monitoring her as she was given small amounts of grape juice and other liquids…

Still no word today (October 3) on when Mayumi will be discharged from the hospital, but her body appears to be almost ready. Her surgeon stopped by to tell her the results of her pathology report: following her surgery, there is no sign o…

Today (October 2) has been busy and eventful. As further signs of Mayumi's progress, the doctors removed her epidural, so her pain medication will be administered orally from now on; they also removed the staples from the incision below he…

Today (October 1) Mayumi spent her second full day in the Intermediate Care Unit of the hospital. The doctors have removed her chest tube, and she has resumed using her J-tube to take in a small amount of (liquid) nutrition. Using a walker…