
It is such a surprise that today is already Friday. Compared to the past two weeks, this week has passed slowly and eventless, even though I had to go back to BWH to treat an infection.

On Tuesday I went to see my oncologist. It may sound strange, but I feel like his office is my second home and his staff are like family members. These are the people who helped me through my difficult chemotherapy. It was one of my happiest moments when the oncologist gave me a hug and said, “ You look like hell, but are doing great.”

Even though I have been healing very well day by day, I had an infection at one of the scars on my neck and had to go back to BWH on Thursday.

It was amazing how textbook-like the infection developed. On Wednesday afternoon I found that a scar had gotten red and puffy, but did not feel any discomfort. But, by Thursday morning, pus started leaking from the site and I started feeling rather sick. A PA (Physician’s Assistant) at BWH cleaned it up and prescribed an antibiotic. Even though I felt quite sick and tired when I came back from the hospital, I have recovered from it quite well by this morning, thanks to the antibiotic.

I will go back to BWH on Monday for the post-surgical checkup. I hope that the surgeon will give me the green light to advance to a full-liquid diet, because I can only take clear liquids through my mouth right now; water, juice, tea, sherbet, and broth.

The weather has turned quite cold recently, and walking in the cold is getting pretty hard for a body full of scars. I may have to start going to a shopping mall to walk.

My friend, who is editing her documentary movie in Hanoi, sent me a beautiful Vietnamese silk quilt to bundle up in. She picked it up for me with the Vietnamese woman whose image helped me go through the surgery. It is gorgeous to look at, light to be bundled in, soft to the touch, and warm!! Thank you very much.

PS: The picture in the previous entry is the J-tube valve outside my tummy, to which I connect the pumping machine to feed myself. I also insert syringes to this valve to give myself medicines; i.e., painkillers and antibiotics.