
7/11/06 I had my third chemotherapy treatment on 7/10 (Monday.) Even though I was apprehensive about how the night would turn out, it was much better than I expected: partly because even the chemotherapy has become something of a routine, …



7/9/06 Concerted Effort Since the diagnosis of the cancer, the most troubling thing has been how to break the news to my parents, who are in their 70s. As everyone of my generation feels, parents get smaller and weaker every time you see t…

日本では今でも「癌の告知」という言葉を使うのだろうか。そして今でも「告知の如何」を医者は考えるのだろうか。22歳で米国に来てしまったので日本の現状が分らない。 友達、夫側の親戚、兄弟にはすっと真実を伝えることができた私だが、両親にどう伝える…

巷では、テポドンが飛び、エンロンのCEOケン・レイが心臓マヒでなくなった。しかし私の時間は全く別の次元で流れている。 今日は、化学療法の毒が薄れてかなり元気になるだろうと期待していたのだが、そうでもなく、少しがっかり。かなりの倦怠感がある。化…

7/5/06 When you are recovering, 24 hours make such a difference. This morning I woke up with a sensation of hunger, instead of nausea ( it was short-lived because the effect of the medicine ran out soon.) However with the help of medicine,…


7/4/06 The anti-nausea medicine worked better this time, and at least I did not vomit. However, there was no comfort in it. My whole body is trying to push everyting out of the stomach, but the medicine is stopping it at the threshold. The…


7/3 The whole day today was spent getting therapy. At 9:30 am, I had a radiation treatment, then the chemotherapy followed. The oncologist used a different kind of anti-nausea medicine today, and right now I am bracing for the night to com…

今日は放射線治療が9時半、その後化学療法のフルコース。一日が丸々潰れた。。。って、それが仕事なんだから変な言い方だ。 治療には例の石ころと例の92歳のピアニストが91歳の時にレコーディングした「3人の偉大なB(バッハ、ベートーベン、ブラームス…

6/31/06 今日はメーンの小屋よりこのブログを書いている。 昨日は放射線治療の第一日目。放射線治療がきつくなるのは1〜2週間後と予測していた通り、これは本当に何ともなかった。10〜12分確定された場所に動かずに寝ていると3方向から放射線…

6/31/06 through 7/2/03 6/31 was the first radiation therapy. As I expected, it was not eventful. I simply stayed in the marked position for 10~12 minutes. The side effects will start in about 1~2 weeks. I am in the Maine cottage for the we…

Weekend in Maine メインでの週末
