





On Monday I had an early appointment with my oncologist, and we discussed the treatment schedule as well as chemotherapy protocol and its possible side effects.

My protocol is Cisplatin-30ml plus CPT-11, weekly with radiation for six weeks, and the admission will start next Monday. That means this week is one of the most peaceful weeks of the summer for me.

The 6 week radiation treatment will start a week or two later. I will rest 4 to 6 weeks after the both treatments, and then will undergo surgery to remove part of my esophagus. Consequently, the surgery will fall in the first part of October. As the recuperation from the surgery takes another 4 to 6 weeks, my full recovery will be in December. The worst news is that I might be connected to the J-tube up to 18 hours a day toward the end of chemotherapy. He expects that I will not be able to eat much for about two weeks.

Rats! What a long ordeal and unpleasant picture!! I hope that I can defy his expectation.

Being me, I tried to check the chemotherapy at home on the Internet in vain; I could not find much of the information on the U.S. sites, and the information on the Japanese sites was different from this combination. As the next step I sent an Email to my high school classmate, whose husband is a MD well versed in this field.

Her husband’s response to my Email was that the specific protocol is not an established one in Japan. He kindly obtained the information from the doctor in the esophago department of a leading Japanese hospital. What did I do next? I sent an Email to my oncologist asking if this protocol is one of the newest in the U.S. this morning (I hope that he is not fed up with my questions.)

One very nice thing about my situation is that Mark has a fairly flexible schedule for the summer, being in academics. Every time we have to drive to Boston for an examination or operation, he can take me. Every time I have to go to the grocery store, he can drive me. When I take a walk every morning, he walks with me, making it easy for me to try another 1/10 of the mile. (I walked over two miles in total today!!) Without his relatively free schedule, convalescence in American way (early discharge from hospital) can be difficult.

For comments, lincicome@charter.net