
It sounds a little crazy, but I worked for a company for an hour yesterday. When the job inquiry came about almost two months ago, I naively believed that I would be honky-dorry state enjoying the recuperation period. I even had hair then. It was a very short assignment, and I thought that it would be a perfect job, although in reality it turned out to be a “perfect storm.”.

Since last week my situation has been very difficult, and I wanted to cancel the assignment. Japanese companies, however, take “Obon” break from August 13 through 15, and I could not contact the assignment coordinator. I had to do the job!

Fortunately, the job itself was very simple, and the gentlemen from Japan spoke good English, so I only needed to summarize a few points for them.

Even though I survived the job, I was useless for the rest of the day.

My friend drove me to the job, stayed during the assignment, and drove me back. I am one of the luckiest people to be blessed with friends like that.

Unfortunately, however, I vomited blood again from the esophagus lining this morning, and suffered from esophagitis and vomiting bouts all day. Healing seems to take more time than I imagined, but I would like to picture all the damaged lining is now being replaced with new cells. Thanks to the J-tube, I am managing not to be dehydrated and getting nutrients.

Last night, I had a strange dream:

I was going down a very sharp, precarious cliff, and realized that I was lost, and made a mistake. I decided to turn around and go back up the cliff, to my starting place.

I woke up amazed how swift and steady my footwork was going up, while feeling how fragile the black wet soil was that I was stepping on. If dreams can mean anything, I would like to trust the swift and steady footwork I felt as a path to recovery.

My friend sent me a CD by Rachel Naomi Remen. It is most appropriate because I have difficulty reading books right now.

Also, I received a bunch of roses from one of my interpretation agents today. I am speechless. Thank you very much!