
Weather: Warm and sunny Lunch & Dinner @ my brother's home in Yokohama We went to Yokohama to see my brother and his family. His wife is a great cook, and I make sure to visit them when I am in Japan. She cooked two different kinds of fish…

天気:曇り 横浜の弟宅で昼食&夕食。早めの夕食を食べ続け、お泊まり。 弟のお嫁さんid:karinnはお料理がとっても上手で手際がいい。手早い、ちょっと豪快な美味しいお料理をなさるので、食いしん坊の私は帰国するたびに絶対にお邪魔する。今回は茶碗蒸しと…

Dinner with friends