Tomorrow is the surgery day, and I am ready.

During the past few days, Mark and I spent time in Maine. My esophagitis is cured almost 100%, and we could go out to restaurants and enjoy meals. According to Mark, I have been eating like a horse. Since I am eating so well, I stopped using the J-tube and still managed to gain 2~3 pounds. Now I am back to my normal weight.

Up in Maine, where LL Bean and other factory outlets are only 30 minutes away, I purchased two pairs of activity pants from GAP, a pair of overall pants from OshKosh (boys’ size 14/16), and a pair of cute “cat” earrings for after the surgery.

Yesterday we put cement blocks underneath the top bed legs here at home, and created a slanted bed surface of about 15-20 degrees. In the surgery, the surgeon removes the esophagus and re-creates the esophagus with my stomach, and I will lose the stomach function and the valve between the esophagus and stomach. Without the slanted surface, the stomach acid will regurgitate up to my mouth. By elevating the headpost of the bed, I do not need to use extra pillows to prevent this.

I feel sorry that Mark has to get used to this new way of sleeping, but it might work a miracle for his snoring problem. At least I did not hear a thing from him last night.

The photo is the pair of slippers I bought for the hospital stay. In August when I was feeling very sick, I dreamed that I was climbing up a steep hills with sure and steady steps. After that day I started feeling better. In the dream I was wearing red sneakers. The color is not quite red, but will do to remind me of those steps during the recovery period.

I have been receiving tremendous support from my family and friends. I feel sorry that I could not send you the thank you notes now.

Thank you very much for your support and prayers!!

We decided that Mark will keep reporting on my situation in this Blog site. One page covers 5 entries. If you click >前の五日分 on top of the page, you can go back to the previous page.

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