
It was a bit crazy, but I went to Maine again on Monday (after coming back from there on Sunday night) with my art teacher. I am very fortunate to have a personal watercolor teacher, who is actively creating art and constantly having shows…

Old habits are difficult to kick. I received a phone call last Friday from one of my clients, asking about availability for a weeklong job on the west coast. Instead of saying, “sorry I cannot do it,” I asked her to give me a weekend to mu…

(写真はこの寒空に我が家の柊を食べにくるコマドリたち。我が家の猫たちは一日中眺めています。) In a way my biggest problem is my round face and olive colored skin. Everyone who saw me recently exclaimed, “Oh, you look so healthy. Did you gain…

(日本語は後に続きます)For the past two weeks I have been trying to decide whether I still have a stricture even after the dilation. I am not throwing up like before, but I still have a slight discomfort and spit out the remnants of food …

“Please contact me sooner next time. Your stricture was pretty bad. The opening (to the new esophagus) was only pin-hole size. It is dangerous to dilate a small opening like that. Get in touch if you feel any stricture in the future, even …

(日本語は後です)No matter how many times I go through it, I cannot get used to the needle, the coldness of the IV fluid, and the moment before being wheeled into the operating room. Rather, the more you experience the operation, the more…