It is very difficult to resume a blog after a long break.

After coming back from England on March 2, life has been quite busy.
Mark left for Japan yesterday while nursing jetlag, and he would be gone three months this time. Also, I had to (?) finish reading “the devil wears Prada,” which I started reading on the returning flight. Having worked in the fashion industry for two years when I was young and having witnessed many abusive and difficult bosses through my interpretation job, I felt that the book was quite truthful.

When I entered US immigration, I was stopped by an immigration officer, because my green card was old and was not machine readable. I was told to contact the US immigration office to replace it with a new card with a bar code and biometrics. Since I am leaving for Japan in April to join Mark for a month, I need to act quickly.

I went to the immigration office in Boston today only to be told to come again after E filing my application for a new green card!

All in all, my trip to British isle this time was an enjoyable boot camp. I had to move around right after I ate, and had to be on my feet for a long time. Being in the art gallery, however, made me forget the pain and fatigue.

As soon as I came home, I weighed myself. The weight was down again, but I am not worried much any more because I feel stronger now.