Weather: cloudy with some sun shine
Lunch: Villa Italia
Dinner: Pizza Express
Stayed at Annandale B&B, St Andrews, Scotland

I loved the breakfast at Annandale B&B, particularly the Scottish smoked salmon, even though I could eat only a portion of it.

With my son, we walked around the famous St. Andrews golf course and the beach that runs alongside, where some people were galloping on horses. The grass was green and crocuses were out. The warm current, which runs near the British isle, makes the weather much warmer than New England. I enjoyed the moist warm air and leisurely morning walk a lot.

After visiting my son’s messy dormitory room, we walked around the town. The weather makes such a difference! The gloomy castle ruin we saw yesterday looked very romantic today. We climbed 156 steps to the top of the St. Andrews Cathedral, a 13th century building, and walked around the pier. The town of St. Andrews was a beautiful place!

Before dinner my son took us to his favorite pub.

We dined with 12 study abroad students from the college of the Holy Cross at Pizza Express at night. Everybody seemed to be enjoying the overseas experience.

I walked more than 6 miles today, but felt much better than the day before. I took an anti-anxiety pill before going to bed so that I could rest well.